Wednesday, April 1, 2015


well I am back. I have absolutely nothing to update you on in regards to exercise. I hate the gym and healthy food and it is a serious problem. I just love junk food and soda. I have been trying to limit my diet coke intake. I went from 5-6 diet cokes a day to 2-3 so I am making progress! I think I would have more success working out if I lived in a nudist colony. I mean I feel really motivated every morning and night when I am about to put clothes on or when I am about to get in the shower. I look at myself and think ."dang I really need to work out" and then I put clothes on and think "hmmm my clothes still fit. I'm good". So obviously if I had to walk around naked all day I would have more motivation in life. I guess I should consider the move!

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