Thursday, April 9, 2015


I have been working out every day this week. Except for yesterday because I went to Furious 7 on a date. But they were fighting so hard I felt like I worked out just watching them. So I am going to count it! I haven't felt much different... probably because I still eat like a cow. Eating healthy is much harder than working out. I just don't like the taste of healthy food. But since I don't have any updates really about working out I will give a quick update on my life. Well I am moving out of Santa Barbara and moving to Alpine Village to live with Natalie. I am super excited!! It will be so much fun. I move in the 25th so that means it is time for me to start going through all my stuff and see what I have been accumulating since I moved in. It is probably going to take a lot of time. But I still have a couple of weeks. I am also doing Whole30 during May.... it is probably going to be the longest month of my life. I have to start getting used to no soda now. I am trying to ween myself off of it so I don't have to stop cold turkey... But who knows if that will work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


well I am back. I have absolutely nothing to update you on in regards to exercise. I hate the gym and healthy food and it is a serious problem. I just love junk food and soda. I have been trying to limit my diet coke intake. I went from 5-6 diet cokes a day to 2-3 so I am making progress! I think I would have more success working out if I lived in a nudist colony. I mean I feel really motivated every morning and night when I am about to put clothes on or when I am about to get in the shower. I look at myself and think ."dang I really need to work out" and then I put clothes on and think "hmmm my clothes still fit. I'm good". So obviously if I had to walk around naked all day I would have more motivation in life. I guess I should consider the move!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Well I already failed eating healthy. I even failed eating a little healthier. Yesterday I was supposed to have a day date with Sean. He goes to school up in Idaho and I haven't seen him since he started school and I was so excited. I really like him and I have missed him a bunch. Well yesterday when I hadn't heard from him for a long time I called him and he didn't answer but he sent me a text and informed me that he had forgotten to tell me that he wasn't coming down the Provo anymore. We kept talking and then he informed me that he didn't want to date me and just wanted to be friends... So long story short I decided to indulge in food. Nothing like drowning your sorrows in food. Obviously that is not the best idea in the world but that is what I did today. I made cinnamon rolls and ate 4 of them. I probably gained another three pounds. I am afraid to weigh myself. hopefully tomorrow will be better. I told myself that today was the only day I was going to let myself have a pity party. 

Here is to Monday! DAY TWO


Saturday, January 17, 2015


With the start of the new year I obviously had to create new years resolutions. I never actually follow my resolutions but its always worth making them and hoping I can accomplish them. I was thinking about what I wanted to improve on and was wasting time on pinterest and came upon the ultimate list. This list included everything I wanted to improve on so I decided to just use it as my resolutions.

the ULTIMATE list 

1. Get More Sleep
2. Drink More Water
3. Get More Exercise
4. Read More
5. Get More Organized
6. Clean More Often
7. Explore More
8. Have More Patience
9. Forget Doing "More"

::live in the moment and enjoy the journey::

I don't reallly use my blog right now because I have been writing in my journal and I don't ever feel like journaling twice but I decided to make my blog a fitness blog that will follow my journey. Basically the only people that read my blog anyways is mallory and alexis so this really will just be for me to track my progress. So I am going to start today tracking what I do. I think my biggest problem is going to be eating healthy. I love my candy and junk food. And soda.. lots and lots of soda. I think I can get in the habit of working out but eating healthy too is going to be a struggle.


weight: 127.6 pounds
total body fat percentage: 33%
waist: 25 inches
hip: 38 in

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Dear Mommy,

I love you so much. You are so much more than my mom, you truly are my best friend. I wish I was home this summer just so that I could spend more time with you. I miss just hanging out during the day or going to the mall and getting tacos at World Wraps. You are such an example to me. You are always so willing to listen to me complain and vent about people and life in general. You are always such an example to others about how a mom should be and an example of a true disciple of Christ. When I think about how I can improve my life I think about what you are like and I try to be that! If I could be a mom to my future children like you have been a mom to me then I know that I would succeed. I love just spending time with you and eating hot tamales. I want to go shopping but it doesn't sound as much fun when I know I won't be going with you.

I love you a million red m&ms
I move you the most


Sunday, March 16, 2014

The days have been flying by. Graduation seems so close and so far away at the same time. But it is so close. 26 days. That seems so crazy to me. I got another job so I will be working full time which is going to be so nice! It is such a relief that I don't have to worry about graduating and looking for a job. I know that a lot of graduates don't have plans after they leave school but I am so relieved that I do. I start working immediately after I move down to Provo and it is going to be so fun! I am working for awesome people that I know will make work fun. All I still need to do is finish school projects and start packing up my apartment. It is going to be so great and I cannot wait!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I can't believe there are only 58 more days until I graduate. I have been in school for basically my whole life and it seems weird that it is finally going to be over. I have never really liked school but I am sure I am going to miss it when I have to start worrying about real things instead of thinking about when I should study and go out. It is going to be completely different and I am not so sure if T am ready for it yet. But I guess I have two months to prepare.

 Ive decided that I am at the point where I need to start taking care of myself. For some reason I have never eaten healthy and I definitely haven't worked out. I always just figured that I'm skinny so whats the point. But it has dawned on me lately that I won't always be skinny if I keep doing what I have been doing. I HATE working out almost as much as i HATE eating healthy. I have a inspiration board on my wall where I count down the days till graduation and also if I have eaten healthy and worked out for the day. I admit there is a big spot on it where I stopped working out and eating healthy. That was my goal for the semester... to learn to like working out. Everyone says that they love it and that they feel great afterwards but for me there are just so many things I would rather do than go get sweaty. But I know I need to do it. I am actually putting off going to the gym as I write this. But I am sure I will make there at some point tonight.

I have started to declutter my life. well maybe not my life but my stuff. I have realized that I have a LOT of things. And since I am graduating I am going to get rid of all things that aren't needed and just been done with them. I have so much random stuff that I don't even know why or when i got it. It is seriously ridiculous. I have already started to go through my clothes but I know that I need to do that again before I leave. And then I need to go through all of my decorations and school things and decided what I want to keep and what I am ready to get rid of. Hopefully I will get rid of most of everything but I doubt that because I hate actually getting rid of my stuff. I mean I bought it for a reason so I might as well keep it and you never know when you will need something in the future. I need to be careful or i will become a hoarder one day. I'm not there yet but it could get there. I think it will be even harder to go through my room at home and get rid of things for the move to San Jose. Those things I grew up with and its my room but I know i need to get rid of things in my drawers and random things that just sit in my room. But its going to be hard and weird to box up my stuff. It will be even weirder when i leave my house for the last time. I don't want to think about that yet. I still got time before that happens.
